#8 Meet Diana

Nov 1, 2019

Meet Diana, a committed caregiver at the baby house who has served at GSF for over 7 years. 

“There a was time we received a baby at the GSF Baby House that was 6 months old, but the baby weighed only 2 kilograms (around 5 pounds). We were surprised and had fear in our hearts. But all in all, we prayed to God to have mercy on this baby and to give us love, faith, hope, power, and strength to take care of her. During the period the baby stayed with us, she gained everything; she could move from one place to another and talk. I thank God for that and GSF as an organization and the caregivers who stood together for the life of that baby, and now the baby is back with her family.

“As we stand together, we are taking care of babies to save their lives. May His name be glorified.”

Diana, Baby House Assistant Supervisor


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