#23 Meet Franco

Dec 24, 2019

Meet Franco, the Farm Supervisor here at Good Shepherd’s Fold.

“My life has changed since coming to work at GSF in 2007. Before I came to GSF, my life was a struggle. When I joined GSF, my life was changed; now I can cater to my family. It is through GSF that I was able to get a loan and build a house for my mother! 
“In 2012, God tested my faith. I was using a chainsaw at GSF, and it caught on fire. The fire burned my face, but with God I was taken to the hospital. I was worried thinking my face would not become normal. But now I am ok and people cannot even recognize that I was burnt!  
“Sharing the Bible with staff at GSF gave me the boldness to share in front of the congregation in my village. When I shared the gospel in my village, two people gave their lives to Christ! 
“Now I am the Farm Supervisor here at GSF. When I had the opportunity to begin leading the farm, I set up a place where we can pray as a farm department on Thursdays after lunch. Through the devotion, two farm workers gave their lives to Christ.  
“Through GSF, I have learned about God’s love and trusting in Him alone.”

Franco, GSF Farm Supervisor

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