A Special Appeal

A Special Appeal In 2016, we have endured a deficit of over $6,000 each month.  Reserve funds have been depleted and we need help to continue forward.  The largest increase in expenses have come in salaries (GSF employs more than 80 Ugandan staff members),...
New Staff Housing

New Staff Housing

GSF dedicated two new housing units recently. This new house is now home to the GSF matron, Penninah. Penninah oversees all of the house moms and general care of the children living at Good Shepherd’s Fold. We are thankful for the way that this new facility...
Investing in the Ministry

Investing in the Ministry

In addition to the teams, new kids and new staff featured above, GSF has seen 22 people come to Jesus Christ since the last newsletter! You can spur on the work by investing financially in this ministry. Income is also generated locally through school tuition,...
A Sweet Smile  |  Good Shepherd’s Fold

A Sweet Smile | Good Shepherd’s Fold

We welcomed a sweet new smile into the Good Shepherd’s Foldbaby house last month. Kisule arrived severely malnourished, but he is quickly gaining strength, spirit, and smiles. If you would like to watch Kisule grow and be part of his life in a unique way,...
A New Perspective  |  Good Shepherd’s Fold

A New Perspective | Good Shepherd’s Fold

“How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news.” Romans 10:15  Summertime is the season for short-term missions teams at Good Shepherd’s Fold! GSF hosted six teams this summer, bringing love from Ireland, America, and places in-between....