How did you celebrate Thanksgiving? You may have enjoyed a turkey dinner with friends and family around the table. Perhaps you even watched a football game! The GSF staff celebrated Thanksgiving in a more literal sense: a day of thanks and giving. Throughout the Thanksgiving service, the staff shared testimonies of God at work, sang songs of praise and jubilee, and bowed together in prayer for wisdom and guidance.
One of the most humbling moments of the day was when GSF staff gave their personal resources to assist a needy elderly community in a neighboring village. The GSF staff came forward and gave a total of 220 pounds of corn flour, 110 pounds of sugar, 30 bars of soap, bags of clothes, and $418 in financial gifts. In a country where the average person lives on $1.76 per day (Source: World Bank), the abundance of contributions from the GSF staff was clearly a result of sacrificial giving!
Over the course of two days, the Thanksgiving Outreach Team visited and ministered to 173 elderly identified by leaders in the community. Not only did the GSF staff deliver the resources, but they also shared the wealth of the gospel. GSF Administrator, Loyce, helped lead the team and said, “We encouraged the elderly to understand that the physical resources, although helpful, will surely get over. Jesus Christ is the gift that is everlasting.”
Through the outreach, 27 elderly women and men accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Glory be to God! The outreach team connected the new believers with local pastors who will continue discipling them.
Thank you for praying for His great name to be known!